Years of Excellence
- To promote more extensive use of spray polyurethane foam in home, industry and commercial applications through cooperation, consultation, and coordination with manufacturers, consumers, applicators, distributors, builders, government authorities, and utilities.
- To facilitate research, development, demonstration, and disseminations in the manufacturing and installation methods to address industry challenges and widen the use of polyurethane foam.
- To promote polyurethane foam for use in innovative applications through education of stakeholders.
- To develop, update, and implement standards, specifications, and codes for application and materials.
- To print, publish, and sell literature, which promotes our industry or deals with issues, which are affecting the spray polyurethane foam industry.
- To provide the powerful and unified voice required to deal with government agencies and other affiliations.
- To provide the most environmentally friendly insulation product in the industry when the benefits of energy conservation is factored in.
- To provide a career path for new entrants into the industry and develop a recognized non-government regulated trade.
- To provide a central office and information gathering centre.
- To cooperate with all allies for the development of the industry.
- To provide industry driven training, certification, and quality assurance program.
- To provide direction and leadership to its members.