Spray Polyurethane Foam Manufacturers

Approved and Licensed Manufacturers

These members consist of the actual manufacturers of the Polyurethane Foam Systems. These system houses provide the suppliers with both the A and B components that are required for making SPF and have an approved product that meets the CAN ULC/S705.1 material standard, have a CCMC evaluation report and participate in CUFCA’S quality assurance program.

Grizzly Gold SPF
5 Colby Court
Waterloo, ON N2V 1Y9
Phone: 519-249-0800
Fax: 519-249-0809

SPF Industry Suppliers

These members consist of manufacturers and/or suppliers/distributors of other components that are used in conjunction with the installation of medium density SPF. These include such things as sealant foams, fireproofing materials, coatings, etc.

Mary Bogdan
PO Box 1053
Morristown, NJ 07962-1053
Phone: 716-827-6269
Fax: 716-827-6275